Katrina is a transformational Bodywork Practitioner, Yoga Teacher and Compassionate Inquiry Practitioner - trained in Dr. Gabor Mate’s psychotherapeutic/somatic approach. With more than 20+ years experience of self-inquiry, self-practice and commitment to embodiment and essence, her bodywork sessions are less technique and more about connection and relationship. Connecting to subtle body and authentic self using touch, active listening and intuition; relating and responding to the innate wisdom and consciousness held within the bodymind. Feeling into and intuitively sensing any holding, trauma and cellular memory and hearing both voice and experience, giving attention and presence to what arises in the present moment assisting the body's innate capacity for healing and growth, renewal, connection and agency.
Her bodywork training background includes AyurYogic & AyurBalance bodywork originating from Pune (India) master teacher Kusum Modak who combined ayurvedic massage techniques with Iyengar yogic stretching; Esalen® massage from the Esalen Institute in Big Sur, California. Esalen®️ massage is influenced by the movement of the Pacific Ocean, sensory awareness, Swedish massage, oriental medicine and the meridians, meditation, Gestalt practice and Ida Rolf’s teachings, neural somatic integration and Trager’s passive movement to awaken the bodymind. Tula®️ bodywork, Sivananda Yoga and tantric meditation from her spiritual teacher Igor Kufayev and is a member of his Flowing Wakefulness Sangha. She is based in Puglia, Italy where she offers bodywork sessions, teaches yoga and gives Compassionate Inquiry sessions on Zoom.
She will be available for bodywork sessions at Silent Power Retreat House in Aeugst am Albis from 9 June to 13 June, 2022. www.samacitta.com
Bookings: life@samacitta.com
90 min / CHF 220.-