Eight evening sessions over approximately ten weeks
When we take medication for one illness it can often be needed at the time, but the medication in itself changes our brain chemistry and can create an addiction and second illness.
Once we cure our original problem, for example: depression. When we come off the medication we may then feel depressed again and go back on it. But often it is not our psychology or natural brain chemistry that is the problem, but the medication itself.
By learning how to energise and stimulate our own glands with simple breathing practices and clear intentions we can reduce medications, such as antidepressants, as we rebalance our own brain chemistry, while coming off any medication.
We can also use these same breathing, energy and body practices to help us take trauma out of the body. Trauma that often creates the emotional imbalances that lead to the psychological illnesses and depression in the first place.
This 10 week course includes:
Eight three hour evening sessions in a small group maximum of 12 participants.
The basics of Masculine Feminine Polarity Work, using the maps to gain fresh insights and perspectives for life.
Shaking, breathing, and self bodywork to release trauma, emotions and change our brain chemistry.
Creating clear intentions for each participant.
Light email support during and after the course.
Work sheets for breathing and body exercise to practice at home.
On-line Facebook group to keep each other motivated during and after the course.
Private body work sessions with Elliott at 20% reduction for the first 3 sessions (reduction valid 6 months from the course start date).
Elliott Saxby is a therapist and bodyworker who teaches us how to work with energetic imbalances in our bodies and how to release trauma.
He qualified as a holistic massage therapist in 2012 and has been developing his own unique approach to body, breath and energy work since then. He gives private sessions in Zürich and runs various workshops throughout the year, He has no psychological/psychotherapy training but he does have an amazing track record in helping numerous men and women find more peace and happiness within themselves. Please read the testimonials on his website.
This course is for designed for people who are coming off medication responsibly and who are in communication with their doctor, but it is open to anyone who feels this type of continuous work in a group setting can help. Feeling depressed and considering medication, or just generally interested in the course for their all round health. No medical or advice about medication is given, and it is participants own responsibility to communicate with their doctor before reducing medication.
Everybody is different but as a general rule, starting these breathing and movement practices before adverse symptoms occurs is best.
Starting because adverse withdrawal symptoms have arisen is not advisable, and you should consult your Doctor.
The workshop and all communication is in English. Basic English is needed and informal translation of larger words and concepts is encouraged during the sessions.
It is best to commit to and attend all 8 sessions, but if for unforeseen circumstances you do miss a session you will be emailed and invited to come slightly earlier to the next session to catch up.
All participants are invited to write about their experiences anonymously after the course to support these practices becoming more widely available within the healthcare system.
The course is CHF590
Next set of dates 2019:
Zürich, Silentpower, Altstetterstrasse 121, 8048
1..May 27th
2. June 3rd
3. June 10th
4. June 24th
5. July 1st
6. July 15th
7. July 22nd
8. July 29th
For more information please visit www.masculineandfemininepolaritywork.com
to book please email:
Yvonne Waldraff, Zürich, info@silentpower.org