Most shamanic cultures all around the world believe how illness happens due to the soul loss. It is believed in these cultures that whenever we suffer physical or emotional trauma, the part of our soul leaves in order to survive the experience.
The types of trauma that could cause soul loss in our culture would be any kind of abuse physical, sexual, or emotional. Other causes could be an accident, being in a war, acting against our morals, being in a natural disaster (a fire, hurricane, earthquake, tornado, etc.), surgery, addictions, divorce, or death of a beloved one.
Any event that causes shock could cause soul loss. And it is very individual. Something that causes a soul loss for one person does not necessarily mean the same will happen to another person. And vice versa. It is in general a good ‘mechanism’ the soul undertakes in order to survive. But the problem is, as shamans see, that usually the lost part does not come back by itself. The part of the soul might be lost, taken by another person, or doesn’t know the trauma has passed and it is safe to return.
There are many common symptoms of soul loss. Some of the more common ones are: constant feeling that you do not feel fully in your body and alive and fully engaged in life. Other symptoms include chronic depression, suicidal tendencies, post traumatic stress syndrome, immune deficiency problems, and grief that just does not heal. Addictions are also a sign of soul loss as we seek external sources to fill up the empty spaces inside of us whether through substances, food, relationships, work, or buying material objects.
What a shamanic healer does is to go into the alter consciousness by using a shamanic journey in order to retrieve the lost soul piece. Before bringing the lost part of the soul into the body, the extraction/cleaning of the subtle body is done. It is very powerful yet a gentle treatment. And not just that. It is also a new beginning of the integration of the lost soul part that has a long term effect on a whole wellbeing.
It starts your process of spiritual and emotional integration…
Sanja will be giving treatments in Silent Power on 10th and 12th of June.
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Price: CHF 180.-